martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

New York:D

New York:D

                                                                      Central Park.
Rockefeller Center.
Apple Store:D
NBA Store.

Fifth Avenue.

 Dakota Building.
In this building Jhon Lennon died.

Empire State Building.

My the first day in New York was impressive, we were of purchases in the Fifth Avenue, visited Central Park and Rockefeller Center. In the evening we did a tour for all New York and we visit the zone zero. In the night we saw a spectacle in Brodway:In the Highs. After that  we stayed  two hours in Times Square:D, it is spectacular!!!

My second day in New York:
 We visit the statue of Liberty which I was imagining more big, after that we visited the Brookline Bridge and the United Nations that was a very interesting visit.


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