sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010


D-What is your name?

J-Jill Powers.

D-How old are you?

J-13 years old.

D-Do you practise some sport?

J-Yes,of course,I practise basket.

D-What is your favourite class?

J-GYM,I like the sports.

D-At what do you want to be employed?

J- I want to be teacher of GYM:D

J-And you Diego?

D-I want to be an architect.

D-Do you want to live in Spain?

J-No,because i like USA,and because here are  all my family.

D-Ok,I want to live in USA,it´s the best:)

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

New York:D

New York:D

                                                                      Central Park.
Rockefeller Center.
Apple Store:D
NBA Store.

Fifth Avenue.

 Dakota Building.
In this building Jhon Lennon died.

Empire State Building.

My the first day in New York was impressive, we were of purchases in the Fifth Avenue, visited Central Park and Rockefeller Center. In the evening we did a tour for all New York and we visit the zone zero. In the night we saw a spectacle in Brodway:In the Highs. After that  we stayed  two hours in Times Square:D, it is spectacular!!!

My second day in New York:
 We visit the statue of Liberty which I was imagining more big, after that we visited the Brookline Bridge and the United Nations that was a very interesting visit.



Saturday in Boston :D
I went to Boston with Paula ,Pablo ,Carlos,Javi y Nicolle.
We visited many places and we went to the port ,there we saw
the Boston's  huge buildings .

                                                                   Boston  Library.
                                                                        Faneuil Hall.
                                                                   Faneuil Hall.
                                                                Hard Rock Cafe Boston.
                                                                     Boston Port.
                                                              New England Aquarium.
                         At half past five I come to house to disguise myself and I went to
                                                 the party  that it was begun at 6.
                                                                Halloween Party.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010


                                                              Milford High School.
 Friday was one very boring day because we were all day in the classes, but in the evening I went with some spanish students  to the Mall, there I buought  an Ipod touch and a  tady bear for my sister.

thursday 13th :)

                                                                  Harvard University.
Harvard Library.
At the morning  we were in the college being present at the classes with our host.
.  In the afternoon some spanish students  we went to visit Harvard's university, which is impressive.After that we had a meeting with a few spanish's american students and I enjoy very much.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


                                                        Newport Mansions.The Breakers.
                                                          Newport Mansions:D Rosecliff.
                                                                   Newport Town.

Gillette Stadium:Patriots:)
We were to New Port a town that is in Rhode Island, there we visited two of many mansions:The Roscliff and The breakers. At the moment of eating we were near the port.
 After eating we return to milford but before we stop in the stadium of the Patriots.


                                                             Sturbridge Village.
Sturbridge Village.

Laser Tag:D
We have gone to Sturbridge village that is a very ancient town, we have been there all the morning  and in the evening we have gone to the PINZ, a bowling  with a huge zone of games in which one was finding the laser tag.


                                                                Science Museum
Duck Tour

We have been in boston visiting the Science Museum of Boston and doing a tour in a species of trucks that were capable to get into the water.

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010


On Friday the school ends at 10:30 and we went to a Mall with very cheap prices.In the afternoon i went to see
a soccer game and a volleyball.On the 7 o'clock we celebrated in my house the Carlos's birthday that was fun!!!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Monday & Tuesday:D

I went to Mildford High School,I was in spanish class all day.

American TV:)

                                                                   Criminal Minds.


Third day:D

I woke up again soon and I spent the whole morning on the computer because Caitlin was in the church.Afternoon we went to huge shopping center and we went in apple store and GAP:D  


Second day:D

I woke up very early and i went with the family to visit her grandparents and cousins.We went to buy GAP and other stores.In the afternoon we had a barbacue, and we were dancing and singing.At midnight we met at the fire and ate marshmellows :DThat were very delicious!!!!!


martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

My First Day in USA:D

After 8 hours on the plane.We came to Boston , it was raining ,and we spend a lot of security controls.
when we finished the controls,caught our suitcase and we took a bus to take us to Mildford.
We were 40 minutes on the bus,and FINALLY we got to Mildford High School .There the family  were waiting for us. I met there with the mother and the sister ,they took me home ,the house was hudge and my room too.